Friday, December 12, 2008

Cheap eats! Ground Beef with Refried Beans, Salsa and Grilled Zucchini

I don't know about you, but I get tired quite often about sort of getting into a rut of making tacos with leftovers. Some time I'll make a soup, and the trick is to extend the food and not toss it away.

Occasionally I'll throw something together that I want to make from scratch and not have the same stuff morphed from something earlier on in the week.

This is cheap, fast and different.

Preheat your grill, and toss the cut zucchini in a bowl with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil with some salt and fresh ground pepper. Then throw on the grill on opposing grill rails otherwise some of them will fall through the grate. (waste of product and oil)

Grill over moderate heat for about 4 or 5 minutes until soft and tender.

Add oil to 10 or 12 inch pan over medium hot heat, throw in the ground beef.

Add some salt and more pepper, cook and break up any clumps of meat so that it is separated as much as possible. When cooked through add the refried beans, salsa and chicken stock. Mix so that everything is combined and bubbling hot and everything is cooked and homogenized.

Grab some tortillas and prepare the way you like, either frying in some oil, then bending them to form a pocket, drain, then stuff or toss in some hot oil to moisten the tortilla to heat and bubble up, then remove when hot and soft, then load the filling.

To finish, load the grilled zucchini on the middle of the tortilla, 4 or 5 of them then top with the rest of the filling.

That's could top with some chopped cilantro, white onion , lettuce , chopped tomato , creama, sour cream, guacamole, etc,etc,

or not.

Stuff you will need:

6 tablespoons olive oil

3 zucchini, cut into strips 1/3 in thick lengthwise

salt and pepper to taste

1 ½ pounds ground beef, Do not use super lean beef, don't forget the flavor is in the fat!

2 cups refried beans (you do know how to make refried beans don't you?)

1/2 cup chicken stock

2 Cups salsa fresca or fresh salsa of choice

6 large tortilla shells, or fresh tortillas to warm etc.

Makes 6 generous portions

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